alternative adj. 1. 随便一个的,二中择一的,交替的。 2.非传统[正统]的,另类的。 Alternative conjunctions 选择连接词(如: or, nor)。 Alternative courses (或死或降的)两条路。 An alternative question 选择疑问句(如: Is the baby a boy or a girl) n. 二者之一,二中选一;交替;可采用的方法;替换物。 That's the only alternative. 那是唯一可取的办法。 There are three alternatives. 如上[如下]三者任择其一。 There is no other alternative. 别无他法。 The alternatives are death and submission 或死或降,任选其一。 No alternative but … 除…外别无他法(无可奈何,只好…)。 adv. -ly 二中择一地;替换着。
Planning for alternative strategies is simply good planning . 具有可供选择策略的规划,才是真正好的规划。
An alternative strategy is to perform operations directly against the database 另一个策略是直接对数据库执行操作。
San is a more specialized, alternative strategy for managing growing storage requirements san是管理不断增长的存储要求的一种更为专门化的、可替代的策略。
A san is a more specialized, alternative strategy for managing growing storage requirements san是管理不断增长的存储要求的一种更为专门化的、可替代的策略。
An alternative strategy would be to mark a test that is not ready to run with the ignore attribute 或者可以使用ignore属性标记没有准备好、尚不能运行的测试。
The plan identifies alternative strategies to be used to ensure project success if specified risk events occur 该计划标识可在发生指定的风险事件时用于确保项目成功的备用策略。
If your machine doesn t support cd booting, but you do have a cd set, you can use an alternative strategy such as 如果您的机器不支援光碟开机,但是您有一套光碟套件,您可以使用其他的方法例如:
The course focuses on how these general management tasks are addressed in the transit industry and presents alternative strategies 本课程专注于如何在运输工业中执行上述综合管理任务及提供备选策略。
Describes the steps of the removing a stale reporting database from a scalable shared database configuration and summarizes alternative strategies 说明从可缩放共享数据库配置中删除陈旧报表数据库的步骤,并概述备用策略。
We can use an alternative strategy to predict when congestion is about to happen, and reduce the rate at which hosts send data just before packets start being discarded 人们对于拥塞的另外一种选择是采取拥塞避免,即在拥塞将产生时就预测到,在分组被丢弃前降低信源的发送速率。